Happy 2013 to any readers.
I can't quite remember what sparked my interest in learning Brioche knitting stitch but it seemed a great and different way to highlight space dyed coloured yarns and the way the coloured and plain yarns can have their positions changed within a knitted piece. intrigued me.
I researched it online and found that it creates a similar effect and textured fabric to fisherman's knit, something I had heard of but would not recognise or had ever knitted.
It looks like a simple rib stitch, initially but takes longer to knit what is esentially two layers of knitting which are bonded together,understandable when you realise that it takes two rows of knitting to create one row of fabric. A smaller size of needle than one would normally use for any diameter of yarn is used in this stitch, at least 2 sizes smaller!
Not wanting to use my handspun yarn to practice and learn the stitch I decided to buy some yarn and after some practice I used the two yarns to knit the dark hat in the photo above. It took some time and I was daunted by the difficulty caused by a dropped stitch - not at all as easy to repair as any other stitch I had tried - you really do have to understand the structure. Although knitting the second hat to give to one of my sons helped me to understand the stitch better I still have a way to go.
Now for something different.
My hubby and I visited Whipsnade Zoo yesterday ad this time I remembered my camera! Last time we were there on a chilly day, the baby cheetas and their mum were huddled together in/under Cheeta rock and I thought what a wonderful photo opportunity I had missed. Yesterday they were there again and I managed this photo - cute eh!
It's my computer screne backdrop.